Chris Tubbrit

Head of Product Development

C h r i s T u b b r i t
Head of Product Development

Claire Dunphy

Head of People Services

C l a i r e D u n p h y
Head of People Services

Patrick Giles

Head of Regulatory Compliance

P a t r i c k G i l e s
Head of Regulatory Compliance

Emma Archbold

Head of End-Point Assessment

E m m a A r c h b o l d
Head of End-Point Assessment

Chris is a superhero on and off the pitch. Seven years in the fire service saw him, literally, saving lives on a daily basis, and now he continues to save them metaphorically with his super-human ability to understand consultations, funding rules and guidance issued by the Department, Ofqual and IfATE.

Chris joined us from another AO, looking for the opportunity to flex his muscles in strategic planning and has transformed our portfolio roadmap for the coming years. If ever there was a man who thrived on organisation and efficiency, it’s Chris and he takes us along for the ride.

Weekends will see him DIYing around the house, walking his dog Bear on the beach, or supporting his daughter who is a bit of a star on the karate scene. He’s a Newcastle United fan (see Andy’s profile for what that might mean) and has run the Great North Run seven years in a row.